Thursday, May 17, 2007

The beginning of Soccer Mom

Here we go, signed Ray up for soccer and sure enough the only night of the week they play is the same night Jeff has night school. So mom feeds all 4 kids, bundles them up, loads them up, AND gets them to Ray's soccer game on time!!! I hope you're all thoroughly impressed.

The warm up...

The huddle.
"Hey, what's happening over there?"
Notice our 2 boys are not focused in on the huddle.

At least Aria has her buddy Eric was there to go exploring with. We also have 2 very cute babies with us.
The excitement of the night was taking Aria to the bathroom in the trees only to have her announce that she needed to go poo. Not here!! No, luckily we know someone backing on to the park...and they were home, lest you should wonder about some of the droppings you find in the park.

Ray in action!!!